This section gather personnal Concept design sketch process mixing 2d worfklow with 3d speedmodeling process
From racing ships to buggy to explore exoplanet or vehicle shape /surface language explorations , with speedblockout and then sketch overpainting , or simply handdrawing line sketch and quick colorisation on photoshop
this workflow which fon fixing the global blockout /aesthetics and shapes of concept vehicle in short time period
Also the experience in automotive industries reinforce the approach of design workflow for concept vehicle in digital world
for more sketch extracts , follow artstation account :
The Pearce R8 :
Pearce's X5 Car is a shapeshifting, two seater, nimble fighter and starship. It has four different primary modes of operation. (1) Attack mode with all weapons pointing forward. (2) Speed mode with all thrusters pointing to the rear. (3) Normal mode with the weapons and thrusters split to the forward and rear. (4) Defense mode with the arms retracted and hull plating with the largest coverage. The X5 Car is the stock patrol vessel for the Council of Peace with a pervasive presence throughout secured faction territories in space and on land.